英语翻译口语书里没翻译 大家说很简单但我还很困难when I married,I was eight-een years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know,And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eight-een.That is thirty-six,isn't it?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:34:52
英语翻译口语书里没翻译 大家说很简单但我还很困难when I married,I was eight-een years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know,And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eight-een.That is thirty-six,isn't it?

英语翻译口语书里没翻译 大家说很简单但我还很困难when I married,I was eight-een years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know,And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eight-een.That is thirty-six,isn't it?
口语书里没翻译 大家说很简单但我还很困难
when I married,I was eight-een years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know,And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eight-een.That is thirty-six,isn't it?

英语翻译口语书里没翻译 大家说很简单但我还很困难when I married,I was eight-een years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know,And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eight-een.That is thirty-six,isn't it?

英语翻译口语书里没翻译 大家说很简单但我还很困难when I married,I was eight-een years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know,And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eight-een.That is thirty-six,isn't it? 英语翻译大家都推荐说这个翻译软件好用,可我安装了不会用,好像很复杂.有什么好的简单点的翻译软件推荐吗?are you ok不要翻译成:我是ok的 英语翻译简单翻译就好,不用复杂句式.说清楚没语病就成.hello everybody,it's time for my free talk.说实话,我不知道我该在我的free talk 里说什么.因为我没有那些有意义但无聊地话题想对大家说.所以 英语翻译这句话怎么翻译?我用来回复对方说我很受欢迎.请大家帮个忙最好让对方理解我的英文意思,所以希望大家能口语话.我知道你很会用词组,如果用了还是麻烦你把词组标出来.先谢谢你 问一个很简单的英语翻译“我希望你不要介意,好吗?”拜托大家帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 英语翻译大家帮我翻译 英语翻译谁会翻译拉其实我的分数不多但希望大家支持!ths 英语翻译我们和对方聊天 但甚至连对方的名字都不知道 怎么用英语说?要求是口语,主要是对方一词怎么翻译? 英语翻译rt.美国电影里常见,但国内翻译五花八门,有经验的朋友说说吧,这句口语该怎么理解呢? 英语翻译“其实要放弃你...真的很简单...人家说我放弃你难,我看来,以前是很难,但是现在,..”就这个~帮我翻译一下 英语翻译这是个简单的故事,但不易说,如题. 英语翻译当公司老板要删掉奥黛丽赫本自弹自唱的画面时,她站在老板面前不卑不亢的说:删掉可以,但请从我身上踏过去.可以翻译的简单一点... 很简单 但我不会 英语翻译大家可不可以翻译简单一点,但又易看得懂呢?制作告示牌,语句不能错啊。懂英语的请进! 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译哈 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译以下 英语翻译我从xx回到xx了!回家的感觉很好,很想念大家,你们都还好么?翻译这句话谢谢 口语话点! 英语翻译这是部魔幻悬奇电影,画面很唯美,但故事情节一般PS 我说的是无极,大家说这样评价合适吗?