
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:27:40
三个花坛里一共种子144个棵月季花,每个花坛里红、黄2种颜色月季花同样多.平均每个花坛里红色月季花有几棵? 英语 九年级新目标Unit9 Do you know when basketball was invented 课文缩写原文:If you travel around China you will notice a very popular activity everywhere you go--basketball.This much-loved and active sport is enjoyed by many,for fun 正在预习九年级英语课文:Do you know when basketball was invented?一些句子结构不理解,麻烦帮下忙,1.This much loved and active sport is enjoyed by many,for fun and exercise.by many 后面不应该跟个people什么的吗?看起 初三新课标英语Unit9 section2的翻译,you know when basketball was invented?本人急、谢谢了 Do you know when basketball was invented?这篇文章的所有词组 初三英语课文Do you know when basketball was invented?80词左右, 我最喜欢的老师作文四年级800字不要写《书是老师》 800字作文 我最喜欢的一位老师题目是《猜猜他是谁》800字 Could you tell us where____?A.will the next Olympic Games heldB.the next Olympic Games will be heldC.would the next Olympic Games be heldD.the next Olympic Games would be held Do you know____ A When will the beijing Olympic Games endB When the beijing Olympic Games will endC When would the beijing Olympic Games endD When the beijing Olympic Games would end 一,连词成句 1;what,month,do,have,next,games,you 2;morning,in,you,go,scholl,when,do,to the二,补充 1;你们学校有什么节?【 】【 】do you have in your scholl? 三个花坛里一共载了一百四四棵月季花,每个花坛里红黄两种颜色的月季花同样多,平均每个花坛里红色的月季花有多少颗? 3个花坛里一共载了114棵月季花.每个花坛里的红,黄两种颜色的月季花一样多.平均每个花坛里有红色月季花多少朵? 花坛中有红白两种颜色的花共99朵,如果两种花的数量比是5:4,两种花各是多少朵? 如图求花名,花蕊是黄色的,花瓣有白色粉色英文叫pink cassia.粉红决明属?求花名. 粉红色和白色的花瓣黄色花蕊,形状像喇叭的是什么花 关于身体部位的英语单词21个,相对来说比较常用的! I'm afraid you can't sit here.--Sorry,I___know.用didn't 还是 don't 选择:------Can I smoke here?--------Sorry,we don't allow ( ) here.A people smokingB smokingC to smokeD people smoke我知道有 allow doing sth.句型但这题为什么不能A呢,理解为名词的复合结构难道不行吗?我知道选B我问的 英语词汇 有两个字母组成滴英语单词都有那些? it is the office,so you____know eating is not allowed here.oh,sorry!A:mustBwillCmayDneed A:oh,you_16_eat in the classroom B:i am sorry.i am a new student here.i donot know the_17_ A:itdoesnot mayyer._18_careful next time.B:Can we eat in school?A:you can eat _19_the dining room,but you canot eat in the classroom.B:i see.Anything else?A: A:Oh, dear, you eat in the classroom. B:I'm sorry. I'm a new exchange student here. I don't know 谁知道黄色加紫色是什么色?黄色和紫色比例均匀 最好有具体的实验来验证说明 紫色和黄色融合后变成什么颜色? 精盐炒过就变成黄色是什么原理啊?为什么给鱼水消毒只能用炒过的精盐或者粗盐同上 加碘食盐中如果加入的盐是KI,在空气中放置一段时间会发现其变黄,原因?如何证明变黄生成的物质? 根据三原色的原理,黄色加什么颜色会变成银灰色?请问根据三原色的原理,黄色加上什么颜色会变成银灰色? 简述伯努利原理,并解释为什么地铁、火车站站台要设立安全黄线? 关于性染色体的一些问题X和Y属于同源染色体吗?(它们形状大小不一样)假设某男的X染色体上有色盲基因,当他X和Y在减数分裂时联会,再分离,(X上这个基因在Y上没有和它对应的等位基因)X上 关于性染色体说人的染色体一般有:23对+XY(女性)或者23对+XX(男性).这是对的吧?可是在卵细胞或者精子中,没有那个23对的吧.然后一个精子不可能是XX吧,应该是只有X这么一条染色体.而卵