
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:08:46
当我还是个孩子,妈妈经常给我讲故事英语翻译 我真的想多了吗?用英语怎么说? 对于我来说就简单多了 用英语怎么说 小学英语六年级短的完形填空练习题 It is interesting to visit another country ,but there are sometimes probiems when we don't know the _1_ very well .It maybe _2_to talk with the people there.We may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are visiting .We may not know how 波音738起飞速度是多少?从开始起飞到升空加速度应为多少? What does your mother do?(写同意句) —Are there _____people in the park?__Yes,there are.A.lots of B.many C.a lot D.some我觉得A和B都可以,你们怎么看? 我能讲故事.翻译 波音737和747还有757.767有什么区别 给老人们讲故事,使他们开心英文翻译 请教一道初中英语数词练习题He did it ( ) it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time答案上说是D.我不知道是为什么恳请高手指教. 我会给老人们讲故事,使他们开心的.英文翻译 初三英语单选练习(数词)1.______ people are needed,I think.A.Other two B.Only two C.Two more D.Two another2.It's ______.A.July twentieth-first B.of July twenty-first C.the twenty-first of July D.the twentieth-first of July3.John began to 初中英语语法讲解与练习:数词1.Lincoln was born on____.A.Febreary B.1809,Febreary 12 C.1809,12 Febreary D.Febreary 1809,12 一道英语习题The lady was so keen on the fur coat that she would have bought it even if it cost ( )A as twice much B much as twice C as much twice Dtwice as much答案及解析Even though you offered ( )you have just of 为什么飞船绕地球飞行一圈时间那么短 飞行器绕地球和绕月飞行的问题!首先我是个小白,所以提出的问题,飞行器(如天宫号,嫦娥3号什么的)为什么火箭将其发射出去,必须绕地球飞行很久,才能奔向月球,而快到月球时,又绕月飞行 地球赤道周长约有40076千米,一架飞机以990/时的速度沿着赤道飞行,它绕地球飞行一周需要多少小时?请回答这个问题. 地球赤道周长约40076千米,一架飞机以每时990千米的速度沿着赤道飞行.它绕地球飞行一周需要多少小时? bread breakfast heary meat 中的“ea”读音一样吗?bread breakfast heary meat 中的“ea”读音一样吗?还有hear bear hear gearthe black T-shirt is big for ___(he/him选一个).wgat did you have ____(at/for选一个)dinner? teacher meat bread tea clean中的 ea 哪个读音不同请说出为什么。 pet,tree,beg,treat,bread,see,meat,jet,tea,sea,clean分别发什么音 英语翻译翻译成英文 1.讲故事 妈妈的英语怎么说要声音 念英语数词该怎么练习思维跟中文的不太一样,三个数字为一组,很难一看就念好,就算我念出来了,自己也不能马上反映该数字是多少.加上只有hundred,thousand,million,billion这几个单位.简直是雪上 关于数词1.More than _____the people in this neighbourhood do morning exercise.A.two hundred of B.hundreds of C.two hundred D.two hundreds of正确答案是C 为什么 2.The earth is about ____as the moon.A.as fifty times big B.fifty times as bigC A380客机最高航行时速是多少? 一般名航客机的飞行高度和速度各是多少? 目前最快的飞行器,时速是多少?每秒多少米? 单词clean怎么读 clean怎么读clean这个单词怎么读