
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:51:23
Can you take____in the running race tomorrow? give it a shot 的口语意思是什么?是英语的口语,除了‘给他一次射击’以外的意思 I'll give it a give me a positive face shot这句话什么意思 A是第三象限的角,且(sinA)^4+(cosA)^4=5/9,则sin2A=? I have no_____what he was talking about A idea B plan C mind为什么呢 感激不尽:i have no idea .idea 能不能写plan.plan和idea是可数吗 Today,all of a sudden have an idea appears in my Give me your photo! Mai i take your a picture 小弟是‘菜鸟’ To my s(),Shirley didn't pass the exam. To my s__,he could pass the final exam The idea for the new machine came to MR.Baker while he was devoted to his invention recentlywhile在这里作何解释,清楚点 To test his idea,he invented a machine. 已知a是第三象限角,且(sina)^2+sinacosa-2(cosa)^2=0,则sin2a的值是? Have you ever __him?空处应填什么?A heard B hearing C heard of D heard from从4个选项中选答案 一横断面为等腰梯形的水渠,横断面面积为10.5平方米,上底比下底宽3米 比深多2米,问上底应挖多宽? 一条水渠的断面为等腰梯形,已知断面的面积为0.78平方米,上口比渠底宽0.6M,蕖深比渠底少0.4M,求渠深麻烦详细点- - 一条水渠的横断面是梯形,已知梯形的面积为(a的三次方减去a乘以b的平方)平方米,高为(a的平方减去ab)米,上底为(a减去b)米,求下底的长度! 跪求啊! 英语翻译You may have heard of the famous saying,"East or West,home is the best." What does the word "home" mean to you?How do you say the word in French?In Chinese?Or in your language?Although people usually know what the word means,it sometimes 英语翻译 那儿有一个自然公园吗?英文怎么说 l have heard the saying的分析 The idea for the new machine came to Mr.Baker( )to his invention.A.while he was devotedB.while devotingC.while devoting himselfD.while devoted求讲解.问题补充:如果我把题目改成这样呢?该选哪项?Mr.Baker came up with a idea for 英语翻译 这是一种适合高中生的音乐 为了什么连什么造句 怎么用什么为了什么造句 为什么字母U用a修饰而不是an 字母u前面用a还是an 一条的水渠横截面是梯形,渠口宽3.2米,渠底宽1.6米,渠深1.2米,水渠横截面的面积是多少平方米? 求 sth.的常见短语如:lend sth. 短语make sb sth如make him king,可以写成是make him the/a king吗?