来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:11:42
alone怎么读 when was your mobile phone bought 改为主动语态 This is the first mobile phone ()I boughtThis is the first mobile phone _____ I bought.A.which.B.that.C.when.D.who try to do try dong的区别 为什么31.5==forever alone? 四级重点 请问“洗尽铅华”什么意思? 那些书一点用也没有 Those bonks_useful_ _ 英语翻译 Futures(期货) drops more than a handle today. For the Day is The laurel is green for a day and love is a sweet for a day. But love gr帮我翻译啊】谢谢 那些书在你的包里吗?提示词:those books 2010英语四级算分2010年6月四级,快速阅读对了6个,选词填空2个,听力(短对话5个,长对话3个,文章4个,单词2个,句子没怎么写),深度阅读对了7个,cloze对5个,翻译算我对三分之一,作文15分能拿8分,请 高中英语语法.as it seems likely中要it和不要it的区别是? love is on the run from me 高中英语语法翻译 A worn tyre can break easily where it’s mended,as is often the case. 低俗小说 的一句台词两个男的在准备进房间之前在聊按摩脚底的事情那个自称按摩大师的 人在讲两次fuck you 以后 讲了一句:yo yo yo man you'd best back off I'm getting a little____here.这个空格填什么? love from love from me 【成语】兵来将挡,水来土掩 电影低俗小说为什么叫低俗小说 英语翻译“——我想变成为你而存在的、坚强的、温柔的、湛蓝的、广阔的、只属于你的一片天空.”(请认真地翻译而不是用什么翻译器搞出来的不通顺的句子)再次拜谢……真的很重要啦 有哪位高手帮我算下2010英语四级分数阿,谢谢了,在线等我的听力选择对了14个,听写单词对了5个,句子都写了一半,不知道对不对,快阅对了5个选词对了5个深读对了6个完型对了13个翻译对了3个作 翻译成中文:How do you feel when you go to bed late?What did you eat for dinner yesterday?What did you watch on TV last night?What are some good health habits?When do you brush your teeth?How do you feel when you exercise?(帮个忙啊!) 英语学霸快进来 帮我的月考都考好 兵来将挡是怎么写的谚语 成语补充不入虎穴()前人裁树()兵来将挡( ) ZG20Mn的化学成分?其焊接性怎么样? as if的用法+高中英语 “a good many students”可以这样用吗 as if的用法1.She loves the boy as if she "were" his mother2.She looks as if she "were" five years old3It seems as if our team is going to win为什么1和2的时态不一致 兵来将挡后面是什么?