
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:23:08
根据提示的单词以"Tom`sunday"为题写一篇介绍Tom一天的活动情况的短文(字数不少于50字)American boy,student,in China,get up,play sports,do his homework,afternoon,help his mother,watch TV,go to bed 1.One Sunday morning,Tom went fishing with his dog named .A.Dick B.Tim C.Jim D.John2.The dog would run after and try to catch .A.Tom's friend B.a large animal C.a fish D.a small animal or a bird3.If they want to catch a fish,they must .A.bring the do 的人们纷纷把钱存在瑞士银行 这样有什么好处 具体一点 我就弄不清楚 为什么人们 尤其是巴菲特这类人 都爱把钱存在瑞士银行里 请问这样有什么好处啊 是安全还是避免金融危机啊 含有“中”和“璇”的成语,谐音也可以. Their reading room is not the same as ours.同义句 Their reading room is _______ _______ ours. Their playground is twice as_____ as ours.填什么?为什么? 猪的通脊肉 是什么部位通脊是什么部位?里脊是什么部位?我要做软炸里脊. 什么是猪通脊肉啊?是里脊肉吗?还是有什么区别? 安步当车打一生肖 单选,The volunteers soon reached________was once an old hall,______the workers now use as a work shop.A where ,which B which,where C what ,which D what ,where 如何预防温室效应大神们帮帮忙 全球变暖为什么加剧水循环 有四个在一条直线上做匀速直线运动的物体,其中速度最大的是A 10m/s B 54km/h C-20m/s D0.72km/min选b不对吗?c为什么是负的呢? 望远镜上调镜片距离的轮是什么轮?起的是什么作用? 求y=log1/2[2sin(x-∏/4)]的单调递增区间log后面的二分之一是右下角的.你懂得. m小于0,m的相反数分之m=多少,若等于1,则m为多少 为什么食物中的五谷类位于底部 人们从五谷类等食物中获得的营养物质主要是_____ 单选 .There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party.You ____ come,but why didn’t you?A.must have B.should C.need have D.ought to have ________ housing prices are going up madly,it is almost certain that the local government focuses not on improving people’s life but on trying to earn money by selling state land.填where 千古名句 千古名言你认为教室里应该贴怎样的千古佳句和名言警句(2句) 单选(要解释)1.Miss Chen ___ a teacher and a write.A.is both B.are both C.both are2.Both ___ go to lost of parties.A.girl B.girls C.of girls3.My parents are ___ working.A.all B.whole C.both4.Both he and I ___ from China A.comes B.come C.comin Love 球单调区间 f(x)=xInx. 求f(x)=xInx的单调区间与最值 怎么天天都在下雨啊如题 天天下雨能去哪?如题 谢谢了呆了半个月有12天都下雨,能去哪?天天在家生霉了 天天下雨如何晒衣服如题 打搅了 我是为了RENWU 路过 疯狂猜图35题.一个类似于遥控器的东西,猜品牌,品牌名由3个英文字母组成. 疯狂猜图35 肿么用纸这一个盒子