
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:55:37
I wonder whether he (come)or not I wonder whether it is big enough or not 是什么句式结构 海纳百川,有容为大的下一句?是谁写的? wonder whether什么意思.预习上遇到了困难,求指导! 海纳百川有容乃大的下一句 海纳百川,有容乃大的下一句是什么? look farmers are ____(harvest) cropslook it is____so_____!Asnowing ,heavy B snowing,heavily选哪个为什么 The farmers are ( ) farming.Sping is the ()time to grow. The farmers are_____in the harvest season. 求大神对对子……年少轻狂不更事,下句该怎样对? 对对子:昨日我们欢聚,今日我们惜别,明日我们分道扬辙,下联是什么? 海纳百川,有容乃大下一句 "海纳百川,有容乃大"下一句是什么? 六年级关于工程的题带答案有木有? I am something that makes everything visible but am i myself nuseen.what am 2 .what can pass before the sun without making a shadow?3 .what's the poorest bank in the world? 两个氧原子如何表示 1 提出 2 推举 3 全 4 往上托,往上伸 举目无亲;举;1抬起、2全、3推选、4举动 3、溶液中的的酸 1,2,3点 举例说明解释. 选举的举的解释 (1)推选 (2)兴起 (3)提出 It's unfair that Mr Brown sits around doing nothing , ( )his wife does almost all the B.though C.since D.while Autumn in China is warm as that in spring求翻译! (1/3)1.of which的用法 2.改错 The house stands at the place that the two road that does stuff that our house won't do?这句话语序是什么?And if we're gonna cheat,shouldn't it be with like a hot,younger house,that does stuff that our house won't do?最后一句话语序是什么? 举一隅而不知三隅反的举是什么意思?一整句的意思又是什么? 举一而反三,闻一而知十,是谁的作品 N2 中 氮元素显几价? 什么情况下送人郁金香花? All the students were very excised.对 very excised做特殊疑问 I like the place____ it's not cold in winter.空格处到底是填where还是which?主要是后面的那个“it‘s”让我很为难…… 1、the boy was l____ and I hhelped him find his parents.2、we are s____ they can play in this heat.we can't believe it.3、please r____ to bring your homework to school.4、that g____ of children are waiting for a bus.5、he wants to I like the place___I stayed at in Hongkong.A.where which C.that